Monday, April 26, 2010

april 26th...tales from the desert

Current mood:  cheerful

Vegas. Las-fucking-Vegas. What can you say about the damn desert oasis? Better question, what can’t you say about it? I’ve been trying to answer that question this week and I’m stumped.
My efforts have been fruitless in trying to write about my trip to Las Vegas with Switch. Nothing seems to be working well or capturing just how relaxing and exhilarating it was for me. So instead I am listing ten things I did in Vegas. No real rhyme or reason here because I could go on and on talking about what a great time we had but instead, here goes nothing….
Ten things I did in Vegas (no particular order)
10 – Went to the NHRA drag races at Las Vegas Motor Speedway which included really loud, really fast cars, plenty of beer and an incredible view of the desert. We even sat and talked with a peyote loving Californian who came over on his bike and was infatuated with one of the female dragsters. A very amusing fellow, to say the least. He's not a bad photographer though. Got a good shot of us together.
9 - Saw a chunky monkey Elvis in a red jumpsuit (think he had a camel toe) which made me second guess my idea of getting married in Vegas with Elvis presiding but I’m still holding out hope for that bacon tower. Mmmmmm….bacon. I had it for breakfast one morning and I have to say, it tastes better in Vegas. For reals. Now where was I…..
8 - Went to a killer rock show put on by Them Crooked Vultures. If you aren’t familiar, the super group members include Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age on vocals and geeetar (sexy as hell in person), his grohliness, the one, the only Dave the man of my dreams Grohl on the drums (heavy sigh) and rounding it out on bass was John Paul FUCKING Jones of Led FUCKING Zeppelin. You heard me. John Paul Fucking Jones. Holy shit….it was Rock N Roll Mecca.
7- Went to the shark exhibit at Mandalay Bay and saw fish I didn’t even know existed, some incredible jelly fish and lots and lots of sharks swimming over and under foot in a glass exhibit. Have to say I was excited to go see this but it far exceeded my expectations of coolness. Oh and we had a guy on his bachelor party who had probably been drunk for a week following us around for part of the tour while I nursed a wicked hangover. He got this shot of us but again....wicked hangover. Hair of the dog cured this one.

6 – One night we went to an Irish Pub, Vegas style of course, and we got lit. We managed to drink a few rounds of good beer, talk a bartender into saving our seats so we could go into the casino to smoke (Switch, not me) and upon returning found 2 guys sitting in our seats. The bartender told them they had to get up, that we had a tab and that he promised to save our seats. At this point one of the guys was on crutches but we had no mercy. We kicked him out anyway, sat down for another round and laughed about the fact that we just kicked a crippled guy out of our seats and didn’t give a flying fuck. It was classic!
5 – Hotel sex. Come on now, who doesn’t enjoy hotel sex? Seems that when you walk through that door and put out the do not disturb sign you leave your inhibitions on the other side.  Hot, heavy, satisfying, fun hotel sex. Lots of it.
4 – Fine dining at Wolfgang Pucks restaurant. It was surprisingly romantic and I kept looking across the table and thinking about how lucky I was to be loved by such a wonderful man. At which point Switch decided it was a good time to do his best Beavis and Butthead “Cornholio” impression. The guy sure knows how to make a woman feel special. I love the crazy bastard. 
3 – Took a helicopter ride at night over the bright lights of the Las Vegas strip. We got to sit in the front of the chopper and take in a panoramic aerial view of the city. The night was perfect with not a cloud in the sky and a fantastic 15 minute trip that was worth every last dime. It was spectacular.
2 – Gambled a whopping $2 at the slot machines right before leaving. I won 5 cents and I believe Switch came in at a grand total of 20 cents. Good souvenirs but I don’t think either of us are too into the gambling aspect at this point. But it really is fascinating and quite disturbing to leave your hotel room at 6am and see middle aged woman in tacky sweaters drinking shmalcoholic beverages, chain smoking and playing the slots over and over and over.
1 – Realized that he really does love me, that he isn’t running away, that I can’t scare him away and that my future is not only with him but within him. It solidified what I have known for some time. He is the love I’ve been looking for all my life, just didn’t look in the right spots.
I could continue on with the late night drive to Atlanta, the visit with his amazing brother and his wife (both of whom i really enjoyed), the copious amounts of beer and vodka tonics we consumed, the flights, the laughing, the talking, the crying (done on my part out of pure joy), the drive home where we talked for 6 hours; all of it was just an overload of sights, sounds, joy, walking, talking and love sweet love. I have traveled with Switch by car and by air and I have to say, I think I love him even more because of it.
The only things we seemed to miss was playing blackjack (gonna do that next time), getting tattoos, hitting a strip club, drinking those ridiculously large frozen drinks out of 3 foot straws and exchanging wedding vows. Couldn't do the latter since he left his Elvis jumpsuit at home and I didn't have a red dress packed. Shucks :) Maybe someday, maybe never, but one way or another, there is always more to do in Vegas, bigger in Vegas, louder in Vegas and I couldn’t have asked for a better person to share it with than my own personal cornholio.
Next stop, no idea but I guaran-damn-tee you that it will be a hell of a good time. 

some of the shark exhibit and switch being, well, himself. my favorite picture of him by far!

at the races. my god it was pure adrenalin, loud and a ton of fun.

some of the strip during the day and at dusk. it's excessive and overwhelming, yet i was drawn to it. go figure. this hippy enjoyed a little of the excess. still prefer something a little less concrete-ish but still, this was fucking cool.


the brew brothers. his little brother makes serious fucking home brew and tells some great stories. think we were up until 3 that night but it was a blast catching up. yep, i can dig this family.

and i just love this picture of him after the races. makes me happy to see that big smile on his face.

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