Tuesday, April 12, 2011

times like these

so the title of my blog tonight is inspired by a favorite foo song but enough about my increasingly creepy obsession with all things dave grohl. hey, there is a new album out today and i've been in grohl heaven the last few weeks. but really, that man cranks me up! he rocks my soul.

back to times like these. there are moments in your life, words that you read on a page or something someone says to you that sticks with you. i like to compare them to drops of dew. add them up and you have a beautiful pool of water. each time another droplet falls, it makes ripples. good or bad. they all add up and make you what you were meant to be all along. i know, ridiculous imagery but for some reason it all comes back to water for me.

well, i just received one of those little drops. it made an enormous impact on my small pond too and i was not at all expecting it. iback in the day it was a phone call or a message or a note. not anymore. now it's a post or an i.m. or a message sent via some social network. some people say it's an impersonal way of expressing yourself but i disagree. if i had never reached out on a social network, well, i would never know how many people love and care for me and vice versa.

i am finishing up for the evening and went to check my emails and what do you know, a message from a friend on fbook. and it wasn't just from any "friend". it was from one of my soul sisters. i know, i know...put away the fucking hippie shoes and stop dreaming of rainbows and dead shows. but it's a real thing. my soul sisters. there are probably more of them than i realize and for those that i do recognize, well, there isn't anything in this world that could break them from me. we are one in the same.

this particular soul sista is one with whom i hold a great deal of respect, admiration, general blissful love for the person she has become. we've known each other for decades now. several years ago she came to a realization that her life needed to become sober in order to be full. that right there speaks volumes to me. she's sober, she faced her demons, she continues to face them every damn day. her feet hit the floor and she fights another day and you know what, that day doesn't stand a fucking chance. she is a force unlike any other i've ever had the pleasure of knowing. i am in awe of her strength, love, determination. sounds like i have a girl crush and perhaps i do. she's pretty damned fine too.

i struggle to explain my relationship with her but only one thing comes to mind. i always feel as though she cradles me. she has a way of cradling me and supporting me with only the tiniest word or acknowledgment. unfortunately for both of us, we have incredibly busy and complicated lives right now. she's finishing an amazing journey through a medical program in school - hollee shitballs right there! - and i'm, well, being the spitfire that i am by nature. in ten places at once. but when we have the chance to communicate, even via email, it's something special.

tonight i got a message that simply said how proud she was of me. picking. jaw. up. off. the. floor. how she felt i had handled things so well. that i had walked through a lot of fear and scary things this past year and had done it beautifully. i am in awe. the tears came quickly. happy tears. tears of mutual respect and love. to think that this woman, who has pulled herself up from so much pain in her past, who has turned her life around one day at a time. for her to say she is proud of me, well, i'm humbled and feel very lucky to have her in my life.

and it's corny to say, and it's so foo of me, but it really is times like these that make it all worth it. it's time like these. time and time again.

1 comment:

  1. sometimes I think your friends are much better than my friends.
