Tuesday, August 31, 2010

hmmmm....where does the time go?

i've been terrible at updating this blog lately so i have a bunch of back posts to move over here. like 20+ blog entries from june, july, whenever. hell, i don't even know but i'm gonna move them and post them today!!! take a look if you dare....then again, i have no fucking clue who even reads this shit, other than me. really don't care either. it's so cathartic to get it all out, not care anymore and love who i've become. this is fun!!!!

enjoy enjoy enjoy life. goes by way too fast.



  1. Honesty is always the best way to go! Love the blog and the header pic.

  2. thanks lovely readfreek. you're an awesome addition and feel free to direct folks. it's obvious i don't give a fuck what anyone reads about my life. open book = iris so link away!!!!
