Tuesday, February 16, 2010

february 14....elvis, vegas and a shit-ton of bacon

Current mood:  silly

..elvis, vegas and a shit-ton of bacon.

the past few weeks have been stressful to say the least. but peppered in there have been some unusual conversations between me and switch. namely a few involving the "c" word (commitment). for some reason, the topic of commitment, marriage, kids, future kept coming up either between the two of us or because of third party conversations. one way or another, i think we were both getting just a little freaked out about the whole thing. so i decided to cut it off at the pass and make sure switch knew where i stood.

and where is that? well, i have no intention of getting married again, although i would probably entertain the idea given the right circumstances. but honestly, i can't see me doing it again. no reason really. i've been there, done that, and it aint all it's cracked up to be. besides, i think people start neglecting each other when a band of gold is involved. but that's another theory for another time. anyway, we had been talking about it, reassuring each other that it's not something that either of us plan in our future. big sigh of relief from both of us on that one!

however, being the creative goofballs that we are, we began joking about what a wedding involving the two of us might look like. i stated that the only way i would do it was in vegas. at which time he upped the ante and said that not only would it have to be in vegas but that "elvis" would have to do the ceremony. and that's where the silliness begins.

somehow we ended up with a wedding in vegas, officiated by an elvis impersonator. switch would wear a circa 1970's elvis jumpsuit complete with cape of course. then i decided that his belt buckle would have to be encrusted in rhinestones spelling out the name buttercup. and i would wear a skin tight red dress, pinup girl hair and enough cleavage to make any man drool. following all of this would be a kick-ass party with a live band, ice cold redneck martinis, our very best friends and families, a breakfast buffet and a tower of bacon. lots and lots and lots of bacon. and dare we forget to include some fucking fraynch toast!

and there you have it. i am in love with a man that i can be silly with about a subject that is generally taboo. i mean how cool is it that we can laugh at each other at the thought of running off to vegas and getting married? not many relationships where you can take a serious subject and make it something so silly, so ridiculous. but that's just how much fun we have with each other. he's my sweet, elvis jumpsuit wearing, crazy ass fucking man. and i love him. i really do love him.

so this valentines day i will spend with my kids, making brownies and getting all sorts of mommy loving. i do love all the snuggle time with the little rugrats. makes me so happy to be a mom. and hopefully my sweet man will spend his day off with a few beers and some great nascar action. and although i won't see him this valentines day, i will spend my day thinking about how lucky i am to have such a great guy who loves me, can laugh with me, enjoys my odd brand of humor and my love of all things bacon. indeed this year is a great one to celebrate love sweet love.

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