Tuesday, February 16, 2010

february 6...the folder

Current mood:kinkyish
....when i moved out of the house, i decided that i wanted to explore the city a bit more. put my middle aged toes back into the single woman pond so to speak. i don't really consider myself single because, well, i am still technically married and i'm madly in love with switch. so although i'm somewhat single, i don't really consider myself available per se. but i promised myself that i would get out more, explore and enjoy myself as much as possible. and so far i'm having a blast!

anywhoo, i got tickets to see a comedian last night downtown. there were two opening comedians and then the headliner. all very funny but the headliner did a bit at the end of the show that talked about secrets men and women keep from each other. there was a part about how women play mind games with men, yada yada yada. after he was done impersonating women and these challenges we pose in relationships, which were pretty funny, he started talking about something that he claims all men hide from their wives/girlfriends called "the folder".

now, the folder is that place on your hard drive, buried deep within your data files that's labeled with some generic name so your other half won't find it. believe the comedian called it something like "tax return 2003" but you get the drift. contained within this file are sexual, perverse, offensive things that men keep. why do they keep them? if asked, they honestly don't know. but for some reason, they keep them hidden, safe on their hard drive for a just in case moment when you either can't find your other smut or you want to show your buddy something outlandish. boys are silly that way.

what i found so funny about this concept is that i don't think it's just men who have the folder. in fact, i think women have one that even dirtier, they just don't have the balls to admit it.  perhaps it's filthy pictures of themselves that they've sent to boyfriends...not that i would know anything about this one of course...photos of big cocks, money shots, stupid dirty jokes, disgusting emails they've received that they can't bear to put into the delete folder, offensive images or videos that would get you kicked out of the pta. who knows. 

what i do know is that i have one of those folders. you probably do too. i think everyone has a folder, whether it's part of your laptop hard drive or the hard drive wired in your mind. we all have dirty fantasies. fantasies that you have considered if you could just find the right person to play along. and why shouldn't you? sex is good. being playful and exploring is fun. perversion can be good as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, unless you're into that sort of thing.

it's a natural, creative, exploratory part of sexuality and i think it's silly to hide it away like it's something shameful. there's no shame in dressing up like a french maid and being spanked, if that's what you like. if you want to pretend that you're a cowgirl and ride your man around like a stallion, by all means have yourself a rodeo. i must clarify that neither of these fantasies are a part of my own folder. that's between me and my hard drive. but i say, to each their own!

the comedian challenged all the couples in the audience to go home and ask your significant other to try something from "the folder". sounds like a challenge i might enjoy. i encourage you to do the same. open the file, pick something with just one X....you can try the XXX smut once you warm your partner up to the idea...and have a ball (or two).

i just wonder if switch will be concerned when i pull out the honey and the blindfold later tonight? hey, you never know unless you try.

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