Thursday, February 25, 2010

february 25th...tick tick tick

Current mood:  overstimulated

Time management has never been my forte. Not sure what my forte is now that I think about it but time management is not one of the multiple choice options.

I chalk it up to my creative temperament but not sure that is the answer. There are certain types of people who are ingrained with the ability to manage time effectively becoming masters of duration. My mom is one of those people but my dad is the complete opposite and needs strict deadlines or else nothing gets done. Sounds far too familiar to me and has me thinking about my productivity....or my lack thereof. I'm a procrastinator. If it can wait until tomorrow, then tomorrow it will be. Since I have started my new photography venture along with school, being a mom, running a household and going through the divorce, I have become painfully aware of just how daunting of a task it is for someone like me.

Be productive and be creative? Are you serious???

The thing that drives me crazy about my procrastinative ability (yes, I made up that word because I like it) is that it hinders my creative process. So often I will get an idea and be really interested and inspired only to find that there are more pressing matters with which to attend. All because I decided not to do them long ago when I had the chance and piddled my time instead. Then it becomes a downward spiral of negating internal dialogue, dissection of why I procrastinate so vigilantly and how I want to change my time sucking skills.
I sat with my favorite head shrinker today and talked about how difficult it is for me to start a project and complete it. Partly because I have ADD tendencies and yes, I do believe the medication has made a drastic difference but there are other elements at play. Since as early as I can remember I have enjoyed exploring different crafts, hobbies, activities. I like to dip my toes in the water and see whether I like the way it feels before diving. Then I dive in and swim for a while but then the water gets too warm and doesn’t feel good anymore. So I move onto the next pool, dive in but now this water is contaminated with the other pool I just left. Eventually all of the pools become muddy and nothing looks appealing. Wow...went way too far with the metaphor but you get the drift. Moving on.

I am a self proclaimed procrastinistic (made up that word too…this is fun), creative, restless perfectionist. I want everything done precisely the way it is meant to be or I don't want to do it at all. It makes it difficult to get things done when you are not only a person who strives to do the best but also wants to be creative, wild and free in the process. Not a great blueprint for increased productivity! It goes back to the balancing act of finding that inner level of comfort between the two,  or three or four things depending on the day.

I am turning dilly-dallying into an art form this fine Thursday morning by shunning my other duties and writing a blog that could have waited for another time. I did, however, accomplish 7 out of the 10 on my to do list so I have that going for me today. Suppose I'll see how the other 3 pools pan out but I have a feeling they will all turn to mud too if left to my bohemian hand.

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