Thursday, January 21, 2010

january 19, 2010

not today
Current mood: exhausted

illusions. well organized, magnificent, beautiful tricks.

but not today.

trompe l'eoil, french for tricks the eye. it is a technique used by artists to convey the illusion of three dimensional objects by way of two dimensional painting. but more so, it's a way to trick the eye into seeing something that isn't there. it's a fascinating art form and a talent i haven't tapped. my perspective and depth of field has always been skewed. i take liberties and adhering to strict rules of scales and perspective don't flow well with my organic style.

underneath these beautiful masterpieces, it's just another canvas. some people use buildings, walls, sidewalks, body painting. anything can be a canvas. sometimes it's an ugly canvas at that. a dumpster, dirty sidewalk pavers, a condemned building. just another flat surface, no texture, no color. simply put, it's empty. some people look at it as a clean slate, creating something beautiful where there was nothing. you can make it anything you want. you can go so far as to create something three dimensional. a beautiful trick. a trick of the eye.

but not today.

to me, today just isn't one of those days. instead, i see an empty hole and i can't fill it. i have something in me dark, damp, raging. i taste it, smell it, feel it in my fingernails. it's maliable and growing. it's feeding itself with it's negativity. it is hungry and i am feeding it milk and cookies. i have grown tired, worn, bloated. my eyes are dark, my hair is lackluster, my skin is raw and red. i want this beating to stop but i appear to be the one swinging. i am unable to perform my illusion. instead, i am blank. no illusion, no beauty, simply an empty canvas. and i have no idea what to do with it. maybe tomorrow.....

but definitely not today.

some incredible, random examples of trompe l'oeil.....

these fascinate me. all body art, all exquisite...

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