Saturday, November 21, 2009

november 21....spooked

Current mood:  uncomfortable
holy shit! no more reading my horoscopes. they have been frighteningly accurate these days. seriously, it's starting to freak me out just a bit. and here's the funny thing....i think the web accessed horoscopes are a bunch of hooey so i have never, ever put much thought or merit into them.

however, the last few weeks i have stumbled upon the posts and read them, often times after the days have passed. and what i've found is an eerie consistency. i do think that an individual with an imagination can take any situation, any words and make them what they want to hear. i know for a fact that i've done it without even knowing. taken something said, blow it up into what i want or don't want to hear and act upon that feeling. leaves you wondering about the truth when that happens.

but i don't think i'm doing that with these little nuggets of info. instead, i've been curious. i think it's interesting, fun when i read something that is familiar, appropriate. when the possibility that these predictions based on my time and date of birth are even slightly accurate, well, i think it's just kind of cool.

although i probably won't read one for a couple of days, i'm sure i will go back to it again next week sometime. but for now, i'm shutting this shit down. it's got me spooked!

A more serious tone to the issues of property, housing and your living circumstances should be applied at this time. You may be feeling the current circumstance of your home life doesn't offer adequate room for mental or emotional expansion, not to mention the fact that there may be limited space for you to do anything you wish. Now is the time to be out house hunting or looking for an alternative to the current situation.

Libra Love Horoscope
If it feels right, go ahead, no matter how far out of reach it seems! This is a time when inspiration goes hand in glove with opportunity, so be ready to take a risk and strike while the iron is hot. Save the extra stuff that you don't have time to implement right away, it'll be just as valuable down the line.

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