Monday, November 9, 2009

november 9

November 9, 2009 - Monday 

Current mood:  rockin
oh, i love music. all kinds of music, genres, melodies. if i like what i hear, i'll listen. be it black sabbath or bach. blues, rock, bluegrass, punk, metal, instrumental, doesn't matter. i know several people who stick with one thing and that is their calling card. we all know the death metal, punk, country, pop diva, hip hop types. it's their thing. it's on their level and to each his own.

but there is an underlying similarity to the music that touches me most. it's the lyrics. the melodic verse that springs forth and connects me to it. granted, the song writer is just that. a writer. and the musician, well, a different creature. without the melody, there is no music. but without the lyrics, there is no true message. but when you put the two together, my god the possibilities of self expression are unfathomable. i am in awe of anyone who is able to do it because lord knows i have my own set of talents but making music is not one of them.

i was blasted today by a friend. made fun of for my pseudo-obsession for all things dave grohl. his grohliness, as i fondly refer to this talented piece of man meat, is a fascination of mine. everyone knows it and i find it quite funny when people think it's just some sexual fantasy, celebrity crush.

why, people ask me all the time? let's see. i'm sexual attracted to him even though i don't  know him. he may be the biggest cock sucker on the planet but for some reason his stringy hair, gruff beard, deep eyes, cheesy smile, humor and strong voice stir something sexual and primal in me. i should preface it by saying that i was never one of those groupie teenage girls with posters of rock stars on my wall. i've never been impressed with someone simply because they could play a few riffs. quite the opposite really. so this is a new thing for me. however, i doubt seriously that i would kick him out of bed for eating crackers....

besides the obvious sex appeal and the rock star persona is an expression. an expression of raw emotion. the use of his entire body, his hands, the piercing screams and the melodic tones all wrapped up in a sweaty package. and done in a way that is entirely related, similar for me. on occasion it's as if the words are taken from me and put into someone who can express it in a way i can't. it's a strange phenomenon really. and it isn't just dave grohl. it's lots of different artist and lots of different music. but i have such a fondness for all things foo right now. not sure why it's right now but this transition in my life has a soundtrack and that soundtrack has a whole bunch of fooness interspersed in it. a respect for the craft, the art, the hard fucking rock, the melodic complexity of what some may hear as simply "rock".  and the writing. that's what it's all about for me.

of course, the sexy, poetic man behind the guitar with the voice of a giant doesn't hurt either. it also helps me explain my propensity and animal attraction to men with goatees and  strong forearms,  who use their hands for their craft and who flash deviously cheesy smiles my i will continue to perform "caraoke", head banging 37 year old mom of two in my suv cruising my yuppie neighborhood. and i will enjoy my little dave grohl fantasy du jour.

yummy good grohliness.

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