Sunday, November 8, 2009

september 17

September 17, 2009 - Thursday 
i've been wondering a lot lately, probably because of the steep economic downturn of our times but why is it that some people aren’t hit harder by it? why is it that these flaky, shallow women are still able to pay their country club bill and their husbands seem to never be at the office. all the while they pay for an enormous house, extravagant vacations, life is easy on the financial front. it’s crazy really. i know that’s just how things work but really, where is the justification. and I’m not saying that all well off people don’t deserve the paychecks. my parents make substantial salaries but they work their assess off for every single penny, always give back and are all around grateful for what they have and the hard work that goes along with it.

now mark is a lot of things, but a strong work ethic is something that is definitely ingrained in this man. think it’s one of the reasons i married him in the first place. he also has the uncanny ability to be an utter pain in my ass but the bastard knows how to work and work hard. he’s no blue collar guy but certainly seems to be cut from the same cloth. first job was as a grunt at a used car lot. and it just continued from there. he has always worked and probably always will. his chosen profession, construction management can be a bit of a ....cush.... job if you so choose but he doesn’t run things that way. he’s on the job site, he gets just as dirty as anyone else, he gives equal respect to a day laborer or an architect. you can’t fault a guy for being a hard worker….just for being a bad husband.

but my point is this. Why is it that so many good, hardworking people don’t reap the same benefits as those who lack a strong sense of work.

money growing on trees. novel idea. not the idea of unlimited funds at your disposal but the actual existence of trees on which money grows. essentially you have the same principal as you would with any garden, tree, plant. you need good soil, tlc, hard work. you sow the seed. you watch it become a sapling. you prune it, shape it into a sturdy oak. you give it good, old fashioned hard work. and then the blossoms are come. and they are abundant. dollar after dollar. sort of like an eye for an eye. you put in the hard work and care in growing your tree, you reap the benefits of its sweet fruit.

now wouldn’t that be a wonderful thing. you get paid for the hard work that you put into your job. you don’t work hard, you don’t get to taste the fruit. that would make many well deserving, hard working, like minded people very wealthy and rightly so. but alas, haven’t found that money tree yet. i’ll let you know if i ever do.

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